200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Koh Samui, Thailand

21 Days, Multiple Departures

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Koh Samui, Thailand
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Itinerary
  • Location
  • Things to keep in mind

This 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course gives our students a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga practice and Tantra Yoga/ Meditation & Yoga philosophy. Training places equal importance on the asana practices, anatomy, physiology, breathing exercises, Mudras, Bandhas, Yogic detox, various Yogic and Tantra Meditations, and Vegetarian diet and comfortable accommodation.


Asanas practice with correct alignment, benefits, and precautions. The sun and Moon salutation with Hatha Yoga in depth, with variations, deep relaxation, and release of blocked energy are examples of topics covered. 

Safety issues

We will teach you specific ways to correct student postures without injuring yourself or the student, how to challenge without pushing stretches too far, alternative postures, and other ways to prevent injuries.

Correction and alignment of poses

We teach poses that support natural posture with anatomically correct spine alignment. Proper Asana alignment is necessary to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits. Poor posture blocks energy flow, negatively impacting one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being; good posture energizes our whole being.

Yogasutras of Patanjali (in its original meaning)

Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga. They are:

  1. Yamas deals with one’s ethical standards and sense of integrity.
  2. Niyamas have to do with self-discipline and spiritual observances.
  3. Asana or postures.
  4. Pranayama, the breathing practices.
  5. Pratyahara means withdrawal or sensory transcendence.
  6. Dharana or concentration as preparation for Meditation.
  7. Dhyana is Meditation or contemplation.
  8. Samadhi or realization

Yoga philosophy and history

We will study the development of Yoga through the ages and the perennial spiritual principles that guide the practices. Rather than lecture, we ask questions and pose problems to stimulate your critical thinking ability and deeper understanding of the philosophy of Yoga. We encourage class discussion and interaction.

Sanskrit Names of Yoga Postures

It is not compulsory to learn the Sanskrit names, but it is good to become familiar with the asana names. We spend one session explaining their correct pronunciation and give you a chart of Sanskrit names for self-study.

Yogic Life Style

Highlighting Yama, or the first of the Eight Limbs, we will explore what an ethical lifestyle means for a Yoga teacher, defining guiding principles and codes of conduct through interactive discussion.


Kriyas are special cleansing techniques in Hatha Yoga to prepare the body for effective Pranayama and Meditation. The primary purpose of the kriyas is to clear the energy channels and to help them flow in the right direction. These are called shatkarmas (the six actions):

  1. Dhauti is for intestinal, teeth, cardiac
  2. Basti is for anal cleansing
  3. Neti is for nasal cleansing
  4. Trâtaka is for eye and concentration
  5. Nauli deals with abdominal massaging
  6. KapâlaBhâti is for the frontal part of the brain

Pranayama, Mudras and Bandhas

Pranayama refers to breathing exercises for maintaining good health and awakening the Kundalini energy. The Mudras are particular positions of the hands and the body to heal energy. And the Bandhas are techniques used in Hatha Yoga that involve a muscular lock and are practiced separately or in combination with various asanas.

Kundalini Meditations

Active and Passive Meditations deal directly with the tensions of contemporary life and leave us feeling alert, refreshed, and energized. After practicing various Yogic and Traditional Tantra & Kundalini meditations (no sexual activity), you will transition into a settled energy phase, making it easy to sit silently.

Yoga Nidra

Yoganidratakes you into deep relaxation guided by the teacher. It releases the tension between the body and mind. Thirty minutes of Yoga Nidra equals three hours of sleep.

Anatomy and Physiology

We focus on the theories of compression, tension, proportion, and orientation. View of the Skeleton, digestive and respiratory system.


We will study the structure of our subtle energy body, including the kundalini (energy), mudras (“the yoga of the hands”), nadis (energy channels), bandhas(locks for channeling energy), and chakras (energy centers).

Teaching skills and Methodology

We cover the most effective and practical ways to teach Yoga. This segment will cover all classes, from Asanas to Meditation. Teaching methods cover observation, logic, intuition, creativity, adaptability, and diversity. You will learn how to adapt your class according to the group and age.

Yoga class sequencing

Sequencing is one of the essential elements in class and practice in terms of safety, creative class design, and effectiveness, and it plays a pivotal role in the kind of experience the student will have. Essential methods for planning and sequencing various types of Yoga classes are considered.

Teaching practice

We offer a hands-on teaching experience where you can practice and demonstrate your knowledge and teacher skills in a supportive environment with helpful feedback. Teacher qualities, attitude, and finding one’s voice and style

Yoga as business

We will discuss best practices for starting and marketing your Yoga business so that it is successful. Essential elements include attracting students, finding your niche, marketing strategies, promotion, websites, and networking.

The rhythms of the sea tides, the sunrises and sunsets is what gives this humble strip of beach the calming quality that health pilgrims and holiday makers and wise retirees come to settle into. Locals, long term residents, and visitors walk and jog towards and away from the rising and setting sun.

Just on the other side of the northwestern cliffs sits Nathon town, a quaint little portside town. This is where the primary ferry routes dock in. This charming town is historically a settlement for Thai and Chinese traders. The zigzag alleyways and tucked away shop fronts with hanging flower pots, chattering families and colored lanterns give a quirky and inviting atmosphere to this town. There is much to shop and discover for the bargain hunters. For those who want to gaze onto the ocean, as the ferries come in from the west, can do so from the seaside promenade and piers. This west-facing shoreline is the ideal place for visitors to bask at the setting sun sitting at the several cafes and nightly food market next to the pier.

About The Host
Master Nirakar

Master Nirakar

E-RYT 500, Yoga Philosophy, Tantra Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki Master.


Things to keep in mind