300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Koh Samui, Thailand

25 Days, Multiple Departures

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Koh Samui, Thailand
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This course focuses on Hatha intermediate and advanced asanas, Tantra Meditations from Vighyan Bhairav Tantra. Further, students will understand advanced pranayama techniques, meditation practices, structural anatomy, and philosophy. They will have a chance to teach and assist with hands-on adjustments during the asana classes.Advait Yoga offers one of the best yoga teacher training in Thailand at multiple locations. 

Prerequisite: Graduates of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (in any Yoga style) from Yoga Alliance registered the school.

If are a long-term yoga practitioner and haven’t done any Yoga teacher training but want to gain knowledge and experience. You are welcome to join the course, you will receive the 200-hour Teacher Training certificate upon successful completion and be able to register with Yoga Alliance. 

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Thailand. Graduates of 200-Hour Yoga Teachers not registered with Yoga Alliance contact us for assistance.

Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus

Asanas: beginners, intermediate and advanced level

Pavanmuktasana series warm up the body before going into Asanas. Pavanmuktasan has numerous health benefits as it releases tension and stiffness in the joints and energetic or physical blocks in the body. Activates the lungs and heart and improves blood circulation and endocrine function. It makes the whole body healthy.

Suryanamaskar and Chandranamaskar

Students will thoroughly understand traditional Suryanamaskar and Chandranamaskar with their variations to create a more effective practice. Each pose will be taught separately with correct alignment and then in conjunction with the whole series, focusing on linking the poses together and coordinating the breath with the movement.

Asanas: Practicing and Teaching Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced

Students will understand the benefits, precautions, and ways to incorporate each asana into a practical class. The class has a sequence of Seated, forward bends, twists, abdominal, backbend, and inversion asanas that cover key verbal cues, alignments, and adjustment techniques. Through beginner and intermediate asanas, the body and mind will prepare to practice the advanced asanas, which will take one’s yoga practice to a deeper level. Daily practice of Hatha Yoga with additional exposure to Restorative Yoga. Restorative Yoga oxygenates the internal organs by resting with awareness by holding poses for long periods in conjunction with breathing techniques.

Advanced Pranayama Practice:

Breath is the most vital process of the physical body, having a deep connection with the body, mind, and emotions. Pranayama helps to maintain physical, mental, and emotional well-being and initiates transformation.

Teaching Methodology:

Hands-on experience will be gained through assisting fellow students with alignments and adjustments and teaching classes of Hatha Yoga at both beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The multiple teaching practice sessions will make aspiring teachers more confident to share their newly acquired knowledge.

Shatkriyas (Yogic Detox):

Shatkriyas purify body, mind, and emotions and create harmony and balance. Also, Shatkriya techniques help us to live disease-free.

Yogic Life Style (ethics for teachers):

Highlighting Yama, or the first of the Eight Limbs, we will explore what an ethical lifestyle means for a Yoga teacher, defining guiding principles and codes of conduct through interactive discussion.

Shatkariyas (Shatkarmas):

Kriyas are special cleansing techniques in Hatha Yoga to prepare the body for effective Pranayama and Meditation. The primary purpose of the kriyas is to clear the energy channels and to help them flow in the right direction. These are called shatkarmas (the six actions):

Dhauti is for intestinal, teeth, cardiac
Basti is for anal cleansing
Neti is for nasal cleansing
Trâtaka is for eye and concentration
Nauli deals with abdominal massaging
KapâlaBhâti is for the frontal part of the brain

Mudras and Bandhas:

Tattva, Pranic and advanced mudras will be explained and encouraged to be used in conjunction with the daily meditative practices. By learning the physical movements of Moola, Udiyana, Jalandhara, and Mahabandha, energy is focused on improving the effectiveness of asanas and breathing practices.

Practicing Meditations:

Many essential subjects like what meditation is, obstacles in meditation, and understanding the nature of mind and emotions. A brief list of Meditations:

Five types of Chakra Meditations
Dance Meditations
Heart Meditation
Healing Mind Meditation
Five Element Meditations
Yoga Nidra Meditation
Tratak Meditation
Book of Secrets (Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Meditations)

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra takes the person into deep relaxation, releasing tension from the body and mind. Yoga Nidra recorded session is also effective, as guided by the teacher.

Mantra Chanting:

Chanting enables all senses to melt into one and allows the mind to sink into itself. We will understand the meanings of mantras, mahamritunjaya, Gayatri, om, and Sahana vavatu and practice their correct pronunciation.

Human Physical Anatomy and Physiology:

The following body systems will be studied in detail: digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, reproductive, and nervous. Demonstrating asanas with different body types will cover tension and compression theory and its relation with the joints and muscular movements in various asanas.

Essential Ayurveda:

The purpose of Ayurveda is to maintain good health and prevent disease by identifying your physical and mental constitution and adopting a diet and lifestyle accordingly.

Yogic Diet:

Nutrition has been widely researched by modern science, and there is an immense amount of theories and studies to aid us in following a proper diet. A vegetarian diet is most suitable for Yoga and meditation to keep the Yogic lifestyle.

Physiology of Yoga:
7 Chakras: Detailed coverage of 7 chakra locations, functions, characteristics, colors, and seed sounds of each chakra will be studied and discussed.

3 Nadis: Nadis are energy flows in the body. According to Yoga science, 72000 Nadis are flowing through the body. From them, three nadis are Ida, Pingla, and Sushumna.

5 Koshas: Koshas are the five body layers according to Yogic Philosophy, allowing individuals to reach and recognize a deeper layer of self.

Yoga Philosophy: Yoga Philosophy will include its origin, aim, and tradition; history of Yoga; and its evolution. And various yoga styles focus on specific goals. Hathayogpradipika by Swami Swatmarama and Patanjali will be explained and discussed, covering the implications of these two texts on the path of Yoga. We will also introduce Vedanta, Upanishads, and Sankhya Yoga in our philosophy classes.

Bhagavadgita: Students will be introduced to the Bhagwad Gita, a series of wisdom on various spiritual paths of realization, including holistic yoga practices.

Ethics for Yoga Teachers: Ethics are essential on the path of Yoga and Meditation. Yamas from Patanjali Yogsutras will be practiced.

Yoga Business: We will help teachers and studio owners navigate every aspect of their business. You will learn skills to enhance your web presence, from social media tutorials to brand-building tips. Our teachers will share their knowledge on how you can launch your website and market it.

About The Host
Master Nirakar

Master Nirakar

E-RYT 500, Yoga Philosophy, Tantra Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki Master.


Things to keep in mind