Berber Villages Horse Riding Experience in Morocco

8 Days, Multiple Departures

Berber Villages Horse Riding Experience in Morocco
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  • Itinerary
  • Location
  • Things to keep in mind

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Eight-day trekking, including six on horseback, which winds its way through four days in the mountains and two between wonderful beaches and cliffs.
The route is located between Agadir and Essaouira, within a total radius of 180 km, to be travelled with your faithful steeds.

Departure from the Agadir region, passing through the hills of the High Atlas to arrive in Essaouira.

You will have the opportunity to see several Berber villages along the way, and to observe the local population in their rhythms of life of other times, such as going to the well for water with donkeys and jars, seeing a farmer working the land with a plow pulled by a pair made up of a dromedary and a mule together, a lady will make bread and cook it in an oven built by hand with earth and straw and perceive the smells that taste of nature. Children who walk for miles on foot all together to go to the village school, or faithful to the exit of the mosque after having prayed.

Gestures of everyday life, so far away and yet so close to us.

In the evening you will gather in front of the bonfire at the bivouac to talk about all the experiences you have had during the day, and our cook will delight you with delicacies of Moroccan cuisine, all freshly prepared. Every day a different menu in accordance with your possible food allergies and your tastes, which you can write to us in the registration form.

They will be magical moments of group sharing and personal reflection, moments of contact with your horse who will be able to listen to you and perceive what you want to communicate to him.

At the end of this wonderful experience, arriving on the beach, you will have the opportunity to do some fantastic and intense gallop. The arrival in Essaouira will be an unforgettable sight.

About The Host
Erika, Omar, and Mohamed

Erika, Omar, and Mohamed

Erika, Omar, and Mohamed began to work hard because they had a dream in common, to bring horse trekking in Morocco to the world.
So began appearances at all the international trade fairs, lots of one-week treks, more horses and equestrian equipment added, logistical experience acquired, an invaluable asset, and the staff began to increase in number, as well as the national and international collaborations.
The three partners, however, had the dream of making the ranch a reference point in Morocco, not only for national and international equestrian tourism but also for a multi-sport center.

Following this idea, they gradually added several dromedaries, designing a comfortable saddle for trekking over several days. They began to study routes suitable for trekking on foot, accompanied by logistics that had been tried and tested for years.
They began to acquire a large number of quads, even though it was an environmentally unfriendly sport, but using this means to help their customers discover the beauty of the unspoiled nature around Essaouira, with the utmost respect for nature and the animals encountered along the way.
Other activities were added over the years, such as treasure hunts in the medina of Essaouira, yoga in nature, and angling.

The desire to go further, to progress, and never stop, spurred the three young people to acquire a lot of material for the organization of Luxury Bivouacs and Weddings in nature. From here a big jump in the world of cinema, in the work of assistance and logistics and supply of films, musicals, video clips, and presentations of new brands of cars/motorbikes, shot in the region of Essaouira, as well as the assistance of Rally and cars/motorbikes passing in the region.
Although this journey has brought us much satisfaction, the desire to create new experiences is always at the forefront, and even now after this strange year of the Pandemic, there are many new things in the pipeline.

We will still be able to surprise and amaze you.
Thanks to the staff who always work hard and never give up.


Things to keep in mind