Singing Bowl Training Course in Nepal

5 Days, Multiple Departures

Singing Bowl Training Course in Nepal
  • About
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  • Itinerary
  • Location
  • Things to keep in mind

Everything in our universe is in a constant state of vibration. The frequency and the speed of vibration may vary..for different objects or beings. Our human form, the bones, the organs, the chakras all possess their natural vibratory force..with their own form of consciousness. Where there is friction there will be a vibration and vibration produces sound.

Ancient civilizations of India, Asia, Africa, Europe, Aboriginals and Native Americans have practiced using sound to achieve  balance from within in many different forms. They used vocal toning and the rhythm from instruments to purify and balance the spirit. Vowel sounds have been used to connect to the respective energy centers is a direct sound vibration connecting to specific parts and functions of the body.

Sounds and color, are both forms of energy that vibrate. As vibration gets lighter and higher in octave the sound is transmuted to color. The sound waves produced by Tibetan Singing Bowls are comparable with the alpha waves produced by the brain, creating a deep sense of relaxation thus restoring balance.

So the benefits could be as under

(1) Stress release

(2) Shock or trauma release

(3) Memory and intuition enhancement

(4) Inner and outer alignment and awakening

(5) An increase in our ability to love, forgive,trust, heal and grow.

(6) Creative and conscious expansion.

About Sound and Singing Bowls

Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation.They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world. 

Singing bowls fill the air with harmonic vibrations, adding depth and dimension to any personal prayer or meditative activity.

The singing bowl is used during practices like meditation, prayer and trance induction. Friction created by a mallet rubbed around its rim produces astonishingly complex and continuous overtones of great harmony. A more mellow tone can be produced by striking the bowl with a mallet wrapped in soft material. Meditation bowls are made of various metal types and sizes for unique tonal qualities.

You Will Learn

1. How to use the singing bowls & mantras to bring quality and strong sound vibration, balance the Chakras. 

2. Improve the teaching quality as a yoga teacher to bring richness and completeness in your classroom. 

3. Master the use of singing bowl commonly used at the beginning and end classroom to induce deep vibration and connection within. 

4. Ability to organize basic singing bowl yoga classes

5. Use the practice of sound, mantra and singing bowls to create a positive energy field in daily life and transform negative energy.

6.How to use sound and singing bowl for therapeutic purposes & results.

Suitable for


Wellness Practitioners

Music lovers

Personal Healing

About The Host

We offer a sanctuary space where people from all walks of life can experience authentic yoga, yogic living, and learning how to find balance in daily life. It’s the go-to yoga retreat for an authentic yoga experience and a gentle stepping stone for anyone wishing to explore simple traditional ashram living.


Things to keep in mind