200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Mal Pais, Costa Rica (January, March, and November)

21 Days, Multiple Departures

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Mal Pais, Costa Rica (January, March, and November)
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Our Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training programs offer the unique opportunity to explore ancient yogic wisdoms while restoring harmony and balance to your daily existence.  Our close proximity to the ocean offers the opportunity to explore the art of surfing, another flow-based spiritual practice that allows one to tap into a deep sense of connection and find oneness and peace with all that is. The ebb and flow of the waves teach us to flow with grace in this ever-changing journey of life.

Known for its beautiful beaches, volcanoes, and biodiversity, Costa Rica is a nature lover’s paradise!  A quarter of the land is made up of national parks and protected jungles, the largest in the world as a percentage of the country’s territory. Home to a rich variety of flora and fauna and diverse wildlife including spider monkeys, the quetzal bird, and the three-toed sloth, Costa Rica has only 0.03% of the world’s landmass but is estimated to contain 5% of the world’s biodiversity. Costa Rica offers a variety of landscapes, microclimates, and something for everyone. Whether it is an adventure, enjoying some of the best surfing, hiking, or relaxation that you are seeking, this path is sure to lead to a wildly wonderful experience.

The spirit of Costa Rica embraces the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle. Meaning ‘Pure Life’, this mantra permeates the lifestyle and is the heart of Costa Rica’s cultural appeal. Relax into the easy going vibes of this beautiful land and find freedom of heart. We will explore yogic purification techniques and feast on the abundance of fresh tropical fruits and vegetables available that will provide the cleansing that your body needs. This program emphasizes the purification of mind, body and spirit.

About The Host

We are a Yoga family of dedicated yoga teachers and healers who are here to support you along your yogic journey. Whether you are interested in deepening your yoga practice or becoming empowered as a Registered Yoga Teacher our facilitators have the experience and knowledge to help guide you there. Our teachers are highly skilled in the arts of facilitating group healing and transformation through yoga asana, meditation, pranayama, ceremony, spiritual lessons, special yogic topics, Ayurveda, music, artistic expression, dance, and more.


Things to keep in mind