7 Days, Multiple Departures
We are not going to starve you, or make you do endless sit-ups or other tedious exercises. This is a balanced well-being retreat focused around fitness, travel, exploration, and good food. What we will do, is show you hikes of breathtaking beauty Greece has to offer which are suitable for all ages and abilities. And feed you with delicious organic wholesome food inspired by slow living and the Blue Zones – lots of it. And take you through two wonderful yoga classes daily, designed for you – just for you.
None of our program is compulsory – however, none of our clients leave any of it out.
Dikastika will enchant you by transporting you through its unspoiled beauty, rural scenery and historical monuments to a glorious past.
We offer you something exceptional, a luxury fitness holiday that will invigorate your life and the way you live it. There is no level of fitness required, we modify our program when needed, allowing everyone to work as a team and put the finishing touches in together. Regardless of whether you have just completed an Iron Man or are struggling to take your first steps into fitness, you will be challenged, motivated, and rejuvenated!
Relax your mind, refresh your body, revitalize your life. Reserve your seat at our table….there’s a spanakopita and a glass of ouzo waiting for you.
We offer an expert program to motivate you to achieve your fitness and health goals. We will address your lifestyle changes to aid weight loss goals.
You will be able to see and feel the benefits of our program when you leave.
Our programmes are specifically designed to be accessible to all levels of fitness. All levels and ages are encouraged to join. Those who are fit will be pushed hard, while beginners will be put through a more gradual progression.
Guests are welcome to come alone. We have both single and double rooms, depending on whether you come solo or are accompanied.
Yes, we offer a free laundry service once during the week.
We take a maximum of 8 guests.
Is the pope a Catholic? Wine will be served with dinner.