Costa Rica Trail Running + Wellness Retreat

Jan 26 to Feb 2, 2025

Costa Rica Trail Running + Wellness Retreat
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  • Things to keep in mind
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Do you notice your hands clench or shoulders tense when you run? Does your jaw clench when you’re having a difficult conversation? Do you hold your breath when trying to make a hard decision? Does your body feel tight or tired after a day at your desk?

If you’ve ever felt any of these things, then we invite you on a journey through the senses that will help you release the tension and find more flow. Each day presents opportunities to engage in simple somatic movement that helps you dial down the stress response and reconnect with your body. This retreat is especially beneficial for women who tend to prioritize productivity and output over simple self care, and may be teetering on burnout.

If you feel yourself rushing around throughout the day, trying to get it all done all the time, then this is your invitation to remember you’re a human BEING rather than a human DOING.

During this 7-night, 8-day retreat, each day will be a practice in being present in the moment. We take care of all the travel planning so that you can simply show up and be here now. Every day offers something different, featuring some combination of somatic experiences that will delight your senses.

For example, you will:

SEE massive, awe-inspiring volcanoes
TASTE the fresh, delicious gastronomy of Costa Rica
TOUCH  the earth and your soul through yoga and meditation
HEAR the rich soundscape of the rainforest
SMELL the fragrant mineral-rich hot springs

While staying at some of Costa Rica’s most luxurious and exclusive resorts featuring zen-inspired eco-modern building design, tucked deep into the rainforest far removed from the tourist hordes, you’ll find space to unwind, breathe deeply and use all your senses to be present, in this moment and in your body.

As you run through the lush rainforest trails, fully immerse yourself in the sensations of your body, the rhythm of your breath, and the beauty of your natural surroundings, while you experience the transformative power of mindful movement. With your retreat leader, discover techniques to help you foster mental clarity, stress reduction, and foster a deep appreciation for the joy of movement both on and off the trails.

See: Awe-inspiring volcanoes

Costa Rica is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and rich biodiversity, which is why our itinerary takes you to five different parks, each one unique in flora and fauna. For example, at Poas Volcano National Park, witness one of the largest active volcano craters in the world, as it constantly emits gas and steam. You’ll run in the shadow of Arenal Volcano, with its perfect conical shape, and explore its network of rainforest trails. Envelop yourself with colorful orchids and bromeliads, the vibrant green hues of the lush jungle, and encounter fascinating wildlife species such as howler monkeys, sloths, toucans and colorful butterflies.

Taste: Food of Costa Rica

Costa Rican cuisine is characterized by its freshness, simplicity and the use of local ingredients that reflect the rich agricultural diversity of the region. Rice and beans, known as “gallo pinto” are a staple of Costa Rican cuisine and form the foundation of many traditional dishes. This hearty combination is served with accompaniments such as chicken, fish, pork, beef or vegetables. Another traditional Costa Rican dish is the “Casado” which is a balanced dish featuring rice, beans, salad, meat, and fried plantains.  Fresh seafood and tropical fruits also play a prominent role in Costa Rican cuisine. Dietary accommodations such as vegetarian and gluten free can easily be accommodated upon request. 

Touch: Yoga and mindfulness

At Rio Perdido you’ll practice yoga in their intimate yoga pods, perched atop the cliff-side 140 feet above the thermal river. During your one-hour class, a local instructor will walk you through a series of yoga poses, or asanas, while surrounded by the natural beauty of the rainforest. Even if you’ve never done yoga before, these beginner-friendly classes involve physical postures and breathwork that harmonize body, mind and spirit. Plus, Rio Perdido offers dedicated outdoor meditation sites, lookout points that extend over lush greenery, surrounded by the surrounding mountains and the infinite stretch of sky.

Hear: Sounds of the rainforest canopy

Stepping into the lush and vibrant rainforest ecosystem, you’re immediately immersed in a symphony of natural sounds in addition to the crunching of dried leaf litter under your feet as you run. The rainforest is home to an incredible variety of bird species that fill the air with their song, interrupted occasionally by the calls of the resident howler monkeys. Beneath the avian chorus, listen to the sound of rustling leaves, chirping crickets and scurrying creatures. As you soak in the natural volcanic hot springs, relax to the sound of gentle waterfalls and bubbling streams.  

Smell: Mineral-rich hot springs

We specifically selected resort properties centered around water for its soothing and healing qualities. For example, we’ll stay at a five-star resort surrounded by a geothermal landscape of hot springs and bubbling waterfalls, and later stay at a remote property where two canyons converge and bathe in the warm water of the “Lost River”. Under the canopy of the rainforest, experience a deep connection with nature as you inhale the rich, saturated aromas of the mineral rich hot springs. Fully immerse yourself in floral aromas of blooming orchids, jasmine and ylang-ylang, the bright scent of fresh tropical fruits, the earthy notes of the damp forest floor, and the pungent minerals found in naturally formed hot springs. 

Guided mindful trail runs (this retreat is level II)

Our daily runs during this retreat will be between four and 8 or so miles on a variety of trails including dirt paths, uneven terrain and forest trails with obstacles such as tree roots and rocks. The lush tropical landscapes surround you as you run, with verdant forests, breathtaking waterfalls, and vibrant wildlife creating a picturesque backdrop. We will encounter some trail sections that are too steep or technical to run, in which case we will hike before resuming running again. While it’s not necessary to have trail running experience, running on trails is more challenging than on roads and pathways, so your retreat leader and the guides will offer some tips and techniques to help you adjust to the uneven terrain. Trail running shoes and a hydration pack that can carry at least 1 liter of water are required. We recommend that you have the fitness to run at least 8 miles on the road comfortably. You’ll enjoy the support of not only your retreat leader, but also English-speaking professional Costa Rican run guides with whom we’ve worked for many years. 

The weather

In January, Costa Rica experiences pleasant and warm weather as part of the dry season. With temperatures ranging from 77 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, abundant sunshine, and minimal rainfall, it's an ideal time to visit this tropical destination. The region's landscapes showcase a blend of lush greenery transitioning to slightly drier vegetation, creating a captivating backdrop for outdoor activities. January offers favorable conditions to make the most of your visit to Costa Rica.

About The Host

We specialize in trail running- and wellness-based travel experiences that support women’s overall health and well-being. Our programs feature mindful running techniques that help women run better while maximizing running’s stress-reducing effects on the body and mind. Set in some of the world’s most inspiring natural destinations known to runners, each itinerary is an immersion in nature and wellness experiences such as yoga, hot springs, or spa.

We include the specific elements you need to have a wonderful retreat and leave out anything that doesn’t support that mission. 

Why Choose Us

We are about experiencing running as a means to cultivate mental and physical health and well-being. While our purpose is to provide transformational travel experiences for runners like you, our mission is to offer you the time and space to clear your mind and focus on breathing deeply, connect with nature, dial down stress, and release endorphins so that you can relish in the joy and inspiration running brings.

No one succeeds in isolation, which is why the empowering community and connections that women find through our retreats are such a gift. Time after time, we hear the most heartwarming stories of the friendships that were made on our retreats, and why so many women come back year after year (sometimes even multiple times a year!) to run with us in a new location and often with women they’d met before.

When you travel with us, you are choosing to:

🏃‍♀️ connect deeper with yourself because no matter how long you’ve been on this planet, there’s always more to discover about who you truly are. We offer things like travel journals for writing and sharing circles during the retreat that support your inner as well as outer journey.

🏃‍♀️ experiment with mindful running principles that make you a better, more playful runner because there’s nothing like taking yourself too seriously to stifle motivation. Our retreat leaders provide mindful running exercises and tips you can use on an off the trail to run and live more mindfully.

🏃‍♀️ be open to connecting with other like-minded women because meeting new people is less scary than you might think. You’ll meet women who value running as part of a health lifestyle as we all as a sport. It’s amazing how quickly retreat groups bond after the very first run together!

🏃‍♀️ receive support, even when you don’t necessarily think you need it, but are so grateful you did when you realize how great it feels. In addition to the company of our professional running guides and expert retreat leaders, we highly encourage peer support to give you what to need to feel comfortable in this group.

🏃‍♀️ experience the mental health benefits to running that having nothing to do with your last race result or next goal. Our retreat leaders help you replace expectations and performance pressure with intentions and a focus on simply having fun.

🏃‍♀️ be intentional with the words you choose to express yourself, promising to be authentic and forget about trying to be anything you’re not. Intentions are rooted in values, and there’s no better opportunity to reflect on your values than when you’re traveling.

🏃‍♀️ make peace with the runner you are today, knowing that you belong here because runners come in all shapes and sizes and that’s okay. Since this isn’t a training camp, we’re not focused on where the future, but rather, rooted in the present moment, since that’s where the magic happens.

🏃‍♀️ give up the need to control everything going on around you because that’s the only way to find peace, restore your energy and find true joy. Our expert travel planners have worked out the logistics, and our professional guides scouted the routes, which means you can relax and let go.

🏃‍♀️ trust us to take you on a journey that has the potential to be deeply transformational and profoundly meaningful in a way that is entirely unique to you. Our retreat leaders understand that getting vulnerable can be scary, so they’re prepared to hold the space you need to have your experience at your own pace.

🏃‍♀️ forget about comparing yourself to others, either in terms of pace, speed, accomplishments, age or any other way, and focus instead on what you share in common. This is what we mean by community; you don’t have to “qualify” to be here, you show that you belong here by simply being you.

. . . and so much more.


Things to keep in mind