Nov 2 to Nov 12, 2024
An invitation to step into the open space of possibility, to release inhibitions and to welcome a powerful expansive movement for authentic connection.
Trusting the beauty, stillness and wisdom of the land will contribute to a unique and unforgettable adventure, we share below the information about this week in Jordan.
Transformation is...
Transformation is a process after which something fundamental has shifted in the identity of the person, family, organization or society. And you don’t know into what this identity has shifted, until you have reached it or it has found you. That makes this process of transformation more an adventure then a journey. On a journey you know where you’re heading, in an adventure you don’t know where your will be next.
During this intensive week you will be learning about transformation from a systemic perspective, you might be submerged in transformational processes yourself on the levels of transformation in society, in organizations or families and in human beings.
Learning About
What transforms naturally, can transform relatively smoothly. What transforms by will-power or any other motivating force, requires a lot of precision, holding space and leadership.
What ís transformation?
How is it different from processes like development, change or transition?
Which types of interventions are required?
Which concepts and tools can I or can we apply?
Where does transformation start? At the whole or at the parts?
How to deal with the fact that in transformation processes there is no ‘dot on the horizon’ to aim at?
Learning In A Collective Way
The world is not the same as one or two years ago. Transformation wants to be in many places and is rattling at our doors. Patterns are working hard to keep continuity alive and to keep transformation outside the door. We are all in these movements. We also will learn by being part of these impulses. Ánd we will also learn in a collective way. Being in the desert setting contributes to this collective learning. Like one tribe we are immersed in the experience for a week, except for a few single glamping tents we share a beautiful natural space and accommodation with plenty of space to retreat privately to process and integrate. Staying in the container of the program while diving deep within offers an extra dimension of finding your place in this collective movement of transformation.
As this program might be transformational itself, we can’t give a detailed program from day to day. But the essence of transformation will be present and program ingredients are:
14 lessons on transformation
Types of interventions
Tools for transformation
Systemic diagnose
True art: the core of this training is ‘interventionship’: every participant is invited to practice and calibrate his or her potential in stepping into the unknown of bringing a system into a transformational state.
Designing Interventions
Cases, brought by participants. Personal, work-related, organizational or societal
Horse coaching and other surprising forms
Dees and Jan
I’m living the sentence: ‘it ís possible’. I love to do projects because I connect from the beginning on with how it will look like, smell like and function when the project is finished and teams and human beings can live what they are meant for. I have gained my broad work experience in team coaching, individual coaching, systemic work, NLP and systemic trainer, (interim) project management, HR management, managerial positions for multiple teams, policy advice and as a flight instructor, hanggliding instructor and paragliding pilot. And especially through my Pipi Longstocking mindset “I have never done it before, so I think I can “. My language and interventions are simple, clear and effective. Always embedded in deep compassion for human beings, living and working together, even in the hardest circumstances.
I do love the potential in teams and organizations and to figure out what’s helpful in order that this life energy can abundantly flow.
As a biologist, teacher, manager, consultant and, for more than twenty years, a constellator, I love living systems. Once I promised myself to find out what patterns really are, and I have known it! Looking in a systemic way at organizations and teams has greatly enriched my insights as a consultant and coach. More and more, I begin to understand what the whole that is called ‘team’ or ‘organization’ needs in order to thrive.
We will meet each other as human beings, in our capacities as facilitators, coaches, consultants, leaders, members of social movements, searchers, adventurers and whoever we are.
Typical is to first have an introduction into a topic and then practice, explore, reflect, feedforward and practice....
A training in constellations. Although we will use constellation forms for learning purposes, most or even all of systemic interventions are possible without having to use a constellation.
Our working method and style is based on the principles of systemic phenomenological work. The program is open for everyone. If you're open to learn, to explore, being prepared to practice, to fail, to try again, to laugh, to be frustrated, to encounter fears, to harvest and find upgraded versions of yourself, this is for you!