Running the Best Trails in Crete, Greece

Sept 3 to Sept 10, 2024

Running the Best Trails in Crete, Greece
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The Crete trail run tour offers seven runs over eight days covering up to 110km exploring the western region of Crete, an ancient island known for its mythology, hidden beaches, coves and coastlines, deep gorges and mountain ranges that soar up from sea level to azure skies.

Trail Type
Best of Western Crete – technical and rocky underfoot.

Total Distance
110km (approx)

Total Ascent
Approx 5,000M ascent – stunning inland mountains and the southern coastal E2 trail.

Highest Point
2453m – Pachnes (2nd highest mountain in Crete)

15-25km days on rocky terrain (run when you can, hike fast when you can’t)

Trip Duration Total

On Trail Total
7 days

About The Host
Chris and Mish

Chris and Mish

A journalist and magazine editor by trade, Chris has written for numerous adventure and outdoors publications over a period spanning more than 20 years. He proudly established Australia’s first trail running magazine, Trail Run Mag, publishing and editing it for nine years, and has been involved in several adventure documentary film projects.

Chris is also a specialist consultant, advising government and tourism bodies on how to best develop trail and nature-based tourism. “Trail auditing is the best part of that job – I get paid to go and run trails to assess their condition and suitability!”

Since running his first ever marathon distance with the renowned ‘Marathon Man’, Dean Karnazes, Chris has completed many more trail running adventures, from running Kokoda Track to multiday missions in Kashmir, India, and the Nepali Himalaya, to assisting his co-guide and partner, Mish, to run the 235km Larapinta Trail end to end.

His favorite form of trail running is multi-days “for the social aspect and the adventurous places it takes you”, and his favorite distance is around the half marathon mark “with the odd ultra thrown in there.

A past track and field athlete, Mish found her passion for the trails relatively recently but has taken to them like Kilian Jornet to an epic mountain peak.

Since taking up trail and ultra running four years ago, Mish has ticked off impressive feats including running the 135km Cape to Cape track in Western Australia and the 235km Larapinta Trail in Northern Territory end-to-end in one go.

Meeting Chris further entrenched her in the trail running lifestyle and she has since taken on partnership and helped design and guide tours in England, Crete France and Bali. She is also on hand at most Tour de Trails events, managing logistics and keeping runners happy and safe – perfect grounding for her role as a guide on Tour de Trails run tours across the globe.

A Hoka One One-sponsored athlete, Mish’s shtick is “not at all about the winning. It’s all about adventure and exploring for me.”
