Summer Dance Immersion in Naxos Island, Greece

Sept 3 to Sept 10, 2024

Summer Dance Immersion in Naxos Island, Greece
  • About
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  • Things to keep in mind
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Open to everyone who appreciates dance, culture, and the warmth of Greek island life, this cultural immersion goes far beyond the ordinary seminar. During these 8 days, you will be given a unique and very rare opportunity to discover Naxos island, its music & dance traditions, culture and history in the best possible way: welcomed and guided by local people.

You will access places that no tourist has had the opportunity to visit, as people we will meet are personal friends and collaborators of our teacher and guide Apostolis Psarros. We will go to their houses, on their farms, to their villages and learn from them about their lifestyle and traditions.\

This unique cultural dance trip is a fruit of a whole year preparation and the collaboration of Apostolis Psarros, choreographer and musicians from Naxos, his friends and colleagues based on the island and Simona Jovic who has been organizing dance tours for the past 20 years.

The dances from Naxos and the Cyclades are a still living in the hearts and in the lives of the Greek island people. They are full of joy and the Naxians take a great pride in preserving and sharing these traditions.

You will have a huge privilege in learning from the best: Apostolis Psarros, choreographer and musician from the village of Korona (Naxos), who is known and respected all over the Greece and abroad. But also and from other local people, as most of our seminar will happen in the open, in the heart of the traditional villages, where villagers and musicians will join us in the circle of dance.

In order to give this seminar a feminin touch, during a few mornings, Simona Jovic will be teaching the Greek tsiftetelli dance, a dance style that Greek women dance with grace and pride in any occasion.

Traditional Village Festival "Paniyiri"

A "paniyiri" is a traditional music and dance celebration in which people from 15 to 95 come together connecting socially, dancing, playing music, singing and laughing all night long.

A "paniyiri" is more more than just a festivity, it's a true therapy. Theses traditional gatherings bring together people and communities, allowing the participants to connect, find balance, release tensions and stay in good physical and mental health.

We will be lucky enough to be part of one these celebrations and you will experience an unforgettable, extatic and emotional moment of joy that will make our stay even more vibrant.

Rich Cultural Program

From our hotel, ideally situated on one of the most beautiful beaches in Greece, we will take private cars and go to different traditional villages to dance, sing and experience the soul of this amazing island, together with our Naxian friends.

We will:
* Learn local dances and assimilate them in traditional festivities.
* Take part in the traditional village music and dance celebration (panigiri).
* Enjoy evening music and dance parties with the locals and live music
* Learn about local music, instruments, rhythms and songs from the Naxians musicians
* Visit local families, artisans, farmers, shepherds, instrument makers, olive press...
* Have lunch a private village house with Apostolis Psarros friends (and sign and dance)
* Take the boat and go on excursion to the breathtaking island of Koufonissi
* Relax on beaches and swim in crystal clear waters of the Aegean sea
* Enjoy delicious Greek food in festive traditional taverns
* Dance in village squares with the musicians and the locals
* Visit monuments from different periods of the Greek history
* Shop typical products in local farms

Naxos Island

Naxos is the largest of the Cyclades islands and, undoubtedly, one of the most green and beautiful Greek islands! It is known for its strong traditional heritage, authenticity, rich architecture, and crystalline waters. It hides over 40 traditional villages and significant monuments from various periods of the Greek history.

This trip will offer you a unique opportunity to discover and experience this island "from within". Not as a tourist, but as a true Naxian.

About The Host
Simona Jovic

Simona Jovic

Simona Jovic is a Serbian/Czech internationally renowned dance artist, choreographer, actress, singer, movement instructor, and cultural explorer based in Paris.

Her Balkan cultural heritage being the starting point, she conducted years of research in the field, immersing herself in traditional, spiritual, and healing music and dance celebrations, ceremonies, and rituals in the Eastern world and across the globe. And she has been sharing her discoveries, knowledge, and experience as a first-source artist in performances, seminars, workshops, and conferences all over the world for the past 20 years.

Among many other encounters around the world, she danced with the nomadic communities in India, visited tribes in the Sahara desert, stayed in the Gypsy families in Transylvania, Turkey, and the Balkans, took part in the authentic healing Sufi trance ceremonies in the Maghreb, attended fire-walking rites in the Indian Ocean islands, participated in traditional music and dance celebrations in small villages in the mountains in Greece and Armenia, explored rich and meaningful rituals in long Romani weddings in Serbia and Macedonia and much more.

She is the first dancer in the history of the European council in Strasbourg, France to be invited to perform in the hemicycle. Her dances were recorded for the official archives of National Center for the Arts in New Delhi, India.

As a soloist dancer, Simona Jovic performed in venues such as Palais des Beaux-Arts (Brussels), Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (New Delhi), Institut du monde Arabe (Paris), Auditorium de la Grande bibliothèque (Montreal), Teatro colonial (Buenos Aires), Casa del Lago (Mexico City), Antique Theater (Ohrid), Auditorium Edgar Neville (Malaga), Teatro Cousiño (Santiago de Chile) and many others.

Simona Jovic organized dozens of cultural dance trips to meet communities - their way of life, culture, and customs - in various countries: India, Armenia, Serbia, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey, Tunisia, Montenegro, Romania, and Albania. As well as several dance retreats in Bahia (Brazil), the South of France, and the Sahara desert.

She has been giving dance workshops and intensive training worldwide for over 20 years in France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Greece, India, Serbia, Romania, Northern Macedonia...

Things to keep in mind